Our Mission Statement:
Word Swag is a writing club located on the West Side of Buffalo where we come together as a community to write. We write to express ourselves, develop our writing skills, exercise our imaginations, challenge ourselves, and collaborate together.
Past Events:
Some Pictures from Writing Club on May 9th
Andrew planed and facilitated a story-writing activity where we all wrote down characters, problems, settings and times on coloured cards, then randomly received cards to build our stories off of.
The West Side Open Mic on Friday, February 24th, at 6:00pm was a great success! Here, Mariah reads her narrative personal essay for everyone:
On a nice day in March, we took writing club outside:
Read the main blog for more news and writing samples.
Last year, we created 2 issues of a newspaper about our community. The newspaper is called The Grant St. Voice, and you can read it by clicking on the documents below:
Issue 1: May 2011
Issue 2: June 2011
Last year, we created 2 issues of a newspaper about our community. The newspaper is called The Grant St. Voice, and you can read it by clicking on the documents below:
Issue 1: May 2011
Issue 2: June 2011
The Open Mic event is being put on in partnership with Speak Your Mind, a literary and visual arts journal for Buffalo high school students. To submit to the journal, go here: http://speakyomind.submishmash.com/submit
The Open Mic event is being put on in partnership with Speak Your Mind, a literary and visual arts journal for Buffalo high school students. To submit to the journal, go here: http://speakyomind.submishmash.com/submit